Thursday 9 July 2015

How to Retain a Document in Your Open Recent Document List Forever

Hello friends,

There are some important documents that we always wish to access very quickly but most times we end up searching for them. If it’s an emergency, it’s not good to be wasting time all because you are searching for a particular document that’s why I thought about this tutorial. If those documents are very close to you, it won’t be a problem locating them. If by going to Open existing documents, you immediately see such document, that will be very good but if it’s been long you typed/edited that document it might not be in the recent document list.

It is very annoying to be searching for a document whenever you need it. I don’t know about you but I really hate looking for something. 

Now the basic concept is this, assuming this particular document is pinned somewhere like a sheet of paper on a board or something, it will be very easy to locate right? That’s what we are going to do. We will pin that document somewhere so that whenever we need it, we will be able to lay our hands on it quickly.

How to Pin a Document
  • Open Microsoft office word then open that particular document
  • After that, go to file and click Open. Locate that particular document with it name and hover your mouse on it.
  • You will notice that pin icon by the right of the name, click on it.
  • By doing that, the document is forever pinned on your open recent document dialogue box. Anytime you need to open it, just go to open recent and you will see that particular document waiting for you to click it.

See, it is very easy to do. 
You don’t need to be looking for that document again. Cool ehn?

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