Tuesday 9 June 2015

5 Tips to make your Document look good

Microsoft helps 2013 - 5 Tips to make your Document look good
Hello friends,

It’s very important that I share this article with you all.
Some things after typing a document, you might notice that it’s not looking presentable. You will even be ashamed of printing it. This article will definitely help you put an end to such situations. What you only need is a perfect guild for a perfect document.
I will try not to make it unnecessarily lengthy… Enjoy!

5 Tips to make your documents look good & presentable

Tip 1: Choose a clearer Font (font character)
Microsoft helps 2013 - 5 Tips to make your Document look good

Most times, we try to make our documents look fancy and enticing, finally we end up make it hard for the reader to read it. Too much of everything isn’t good.

A particular font might match a document type and might not march another type of document. For example, a letter (like those letters you address to your boss, school authorities etc) should have a very clear font type. Fonts like Calibri & times new roman should do the magic well. Georgia & Garamond can also be managed for it. But fonts like Forte, script bold, elephant etc should be avoided for the body of the letter because it will definitely scare the reader away.

Tip 2: Your Line Spacing
Microsoft helps 2013 - 5 Tips to make your Document look good

Your line spacing should really be considered whenever you are typing a document. You can’t use a 3.0 line spacing to type a letter and think the reader would be happy reading it. Always know what it’s expected from you and put yourself in the readers shoe… Ask yourself what you love reading. Am very sure that you don’t like a document having a sentence here and having another sentence too far away from it.
You can choose from 1.15 to 1.5 line spacing except you are told other wise.

Tip 3: The Font Size
Microsoft helps 2013 - 5 Tips to make your Document look good

Your document need to have a proper font size. It all depends on the document you are typing though but you should know the required font size for your document. Don’t make it too and don’t make it too big. For documents like letters, you can range between 11 – 14; don’t abuse this though.
Your sub headings can have another font size, like plus 2 of the size you use on the body of the letter. If the body of the letter is having 12, the sub headings can be 14.

Tip 4 Don’t Scatter your Document with so much designs.
Microsoft helps 2013 - 5 Tips to make your Document look good

Limit the way you colour texts on your documents, the bullet types you use and try to maintain either one or two bullets for a document.
Don’t abuse the highlight colour functions because it can make your document look like where children are colouring a portrait.

Tip 5 Don’t insert unnecessary pictures
Microsoft helps 2013 - 5 Tips to make your Document look good

If you know your document doesn’t need a picture, there is no point forcing one on it. Make it as neat as it should be and not as you want it to look. Unnecessary images can make the document look terrible. Try and minimize those pictures or don’t use any. But note, it also depends on the document type. If it’s something like a newsletter, pictures can be there but make sure you arrange them neatly and align them well. Don’t make them hang around anyhow. Have a perfect vision of how the document should be during or even before the creation.

I hope these tips helps you in making that document of yours look perfect and presentable. Go ahead and print it because it’s perfect now!

If this post helps you, do share it with your friends…

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