Wednesday 10 June 2015

How to Design a Simple Id Card in Microsoft Word

Ms office helps 2013 - How to Design an Id Card in Microsoft Word
Hello friends,

Let do something difficult now… We are going to design an easy Id-Card using Microsoft word 2013. Put on your thinking cap now because we are going to do some thinking!

Designing with Ms word is kind of stressful and hard but if you know your way around it, it won’t be that difficult - believe me.

What I use majorly in designing with Ms word is Text Box. Why? Because it enables me move text around anyhow I want. So let’s get started… designing all the way!

What you need
Ms office helps 2013 - How to Design an Id Card in Microsoft Word


1.   Go to Insert then click shapes. Choose the text box (the shape shape with the logo having an A) and draw a rectangle.
2.   After drawing the rectangle, go to size at the top right part of the screen (in format tab) then make the height = 8.13 while the breath = 5.59. huhala! You have gotten the id card outer box shape.
Ms office helps 2013 - How to Design an Id Card in Microsoft Word

3.   Now click on the outline of the box then do Ctrl + d to duplicate it.
4.   Reduce the size to a passport size and put it at the middle of the first rectangle created.
Ms office helps 2013 - How to Design an Id Card in Microsoft Word

5.   Insert a text box then remove the outline and fill colour.
Ms office helps 2013 - How to Design an Id Card in Microsoft Word
6.   Now write the company name there. In this tutorial, the name of this blog was used. So, you can write icrosoft office in the box. Notice that the M is not there. We are going to create the M with another text box.
Font type – Berlin San FB
Font Size – 14
Colour – Orange
Outline – Black
Ms office helps 2013 - How to Design an Id Card in Microsoft Word

7.   Create another text box (with no outline and fill colour) for the letter M. type M in it.
Font type – Joker Man
Font Size – 22
Colour – Orange
Outline – Black

8.   Now place the two of them together inside the outer box like this. Check picture below. (the arrow indicates the outer box)
Ms office helps 2013 - How to Design an Id Card in Microsoft Word

9.   After that, duplicate the icrosoft word text box for the slogan. Erase the previous text in it and type “…giving you the best of tutorials”.
Font type – French script MJ
Font Size – 10
Colour – black
Ms office helps 2013 - How to Design an Id Card in Microsoft Word

10.   Do the same for the address, telephone number and email
Font type – Calibri
Font Size – 6
Colour – black

11.   Create another text box for the “Helps” close to the Microsoft Office to complete the company’s names.
Font type – Freehand 521 BJ
Font Size – 10
Colour – orange

12.   Drag and place at the right hand side of the Microsoft word. Check pics below
Now, let’s do below. Go back to the Email text box, click on it, then duplicate it. Drag it down (below the passport box) then edit the text. Write the name of the employer/employee.
Font type – Calibri (bold)
Font Size – 14
Colour – black

13.   Duplicate it again for the position held and “sign”.
Font type – Calibri
Font Size – 10
Colour – black
Ms office helps 2013 - How to Design an Id Card in Microsoft Word

14.   For the bottom, create a box then duplicate it. Place them side by side at the bottom of the outer box of the id. Paint the first box Orange and the second Yellow.

Ms office helps 2013 - How to Design an Id Card in Microsoft Word

Duplicate a text box at the bottom (either the sign text box or the name of the employee or employer).
Font type – Calibri (bold)
Font Size – 11
Colour – white

15.   Type IDENTIFICATION CARD in it and place it at the middle of the box explained above (the painted box).

16.   Scan and place your signature.

17.   Insert your company logo

18.   And insert your passport. Loolzzz don’t mind my passport, during the drafting of this tutorial, I couldn’t get my passport, so I had to sketch something for this. Looks like me though lolz lmao

19.   You are missing something right? I sketched a little shape which I placed at the back of the passport.
to do this, go to insert then click shapes. Choose Scribble (scribble is just like freehand pencil in corel draw).
20.   Now use it to sketch exactly this shape below. Duplicate the shape and mirror it.
21.   Paint one light yellow and the other light orange
Ms office helps 2013 - How to Design an Id Card in Microsoft Word

22.   Place in them both behind the passport box, infront of the outer box. Use the Bring Forward and Bring backward function wisely here. (to locate that, go to the format menu and check the right corner.
Ms office helps 2013 - How to Design an Id Card in Microsoft Word

23.   Place them well just like mine and this will be your final result!
Ms office helps 2013 - How to Design an Id Card in Microsoft Word

Hope you got it? Let me see your image in the comment region…


  1. great my fellow blogger check my blogs too

  2. Thanks, that worked beautifully. How do I show you the picture of the ID card in the comments?🤔


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