Tuesday 9 June 2015

Text Wrapping: How to move Pictures around on Microsoft word 2013

Ms Office helps 2013 - Text Wrapping: How to move Pictures around on Microsoft word 2013
I published an article previous on how to insert pictures on Microsoft word which I believe you read it. I am very sure you have a question about that topic or let me ask round… if you have a question, let me see your hands up lolz.

There is one thing about pictures on ms word. When inserted, they can’t be moved around easily until you do this which I want to discuss in this tutorial.

I believe you have see this called Text wrapping below in the format menu or any where around your pictures but you don’t know there functions. I will definitely help you with them now.
Text wrapping controls the picture in your document. Without it, your pictures can’t move freely the way you want them to i.e. you can’t drag pictures from one point to the other freely.

How to move Pictures around
  • Insert a picture (if you don’tknow how to insert a picture, click here)
  • After inserting, click on the inserted picture. Locate the small square like shape at the top right of the picture. Check image below.
    Ms Office helps 2013 - Text Wrapping: How to move Pictures around on Microsoft word 2013
  • Choose either square, tight, through, infront bla blab la.
  • Now try moving your picture around and you will see that it’s moving.

Note: Each of those options has its own function. Like the in front of text brings your picture infront of any text while the behind text brings it at the back and so on.

After doing this, you can now move your images anywhere you like with ease.

Try this today… it’s the little trick we use in moving images.

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