Tuesday 9 June 2015

How to Insert Shapes and Type inside them on Microsoft Word

Hello friends,

I want to show you on how you can insert shapes on Microsoft word and type on them easily. It’s quite simple.
So people thinks it’s very hard / impossible to type in an insert shape but it’s not true. Remember, everything is possible. Okay if you think it’s easy to type in a shape, create one now and type it it. I know after creating the shape, you will be double click in it to see if you can type in it and after 5 mins, you will see that it’s a total waste of time lolz. Read the help for this below but first of all, lets learn how to create a shape.

How to create a shape
  • Open / create a new word document.
  • Click Insert then click Shapes
  • Choose any shape you like.
  • Now, click and drag to create shape.

Note: you can change the colour and do some other design for the shape but this particular post isn’t about that. But stay tuned to this blog for it.

We have created a shape, so let’s know how to write in it.

How to type in a shape
  • Create a shape if you haven’t done that
  • Then right click on the shape two times.
  • Click Add Text
  • Now the cursor will be inside the shape, you can now type anything you like in it.

You can see, it’s very easy to do. With this tip, you can type in any shape you like. If you doubt me, create another shape and follow the instructions.
Note: You won’t be able to write on a picture with this tip ooo… For it only works for shapes.

Hope this post helped you. If it dis, please do share it with your friends.

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